Industrial Labeling

The movement and management of raw materials, goods in progress, or items to be shipped aren’t just necessary parts of the manufacturing process - done well, they can be a competitive advantage. Our heavy industrial labelling products (including heat-resistant, solvent resistant and metal adhesive labels) are designed to support manufacturers by maximizing efficiency and traceability.

Labels for hot metals

Manufacturers often need to track metal products as they move through production. But until recently, tracking methods were either difficult or dangerous, like riveting plates onto hot metal parts or writing on them by hand with chalk. To help industrial customers reduce production time, error rates and cost, we developed a portfolio of high-temperature labels designed that can take the heat—some up to +550 degrees Celsius.

Labels for diverse environments

Our industrial labels support all types of raw material tracking, accommodating barcoding and other methods at each point in the value chain. We offer materials that can be used on rough and contaminated surfaces, and that include paper tags as well as self-adhesive labels.

Heavy Industrial Labelling Range (ANZ)

Heavy Industrial Labelling Range (ASEAN)

Heavy Industrial Labelling Range (Sub-Saharan Africa)

Heavy Industrial Labelling Range (South Asia)

Technical Bulletin Avery Dennison® Hot Metal Labelling

Customer-Ready™ Durables Portfolio

Tamper Evident portfolio (ASEAN)

Drum portfolio (South Asia)

Drum portfolio (ASEAN)

Industrial portfolio (South Asia)

Industrial portfolio (ASEAN)

Durable Label Material infographic


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