Customer Tools

Products, but also datasheets, webstore, role calculator: everything to work as efficient as possible with the products and services we have to offer. To make the life of converters easier.


Our products protect, inform, decorate and engage. They integrate the material with the digital. They enable efficiency. They are forward-looking and increasingly sustainable. And they come backed by the passion and knowledge of our people worldwide, some of whom are among the most respected experts in their fields.


Tap our deep compliance knowledge and in-house certification expertise to reduce the time and costs associated with compliance.


Roll size and quantity

As part of our commitment to extra-ordinary customer service, we offer several programs that offer flexibility in the size, volume and combinations of materials you order, making it easier to increase productivity, improve profitability and sustainability, and grow your business.


Ordering our products online is fast and easy. Use our free B2B Connection tool to order through your company’s ERP system, or order directly through our secure Webstore portal. Each tool offers different advantages. Use one exclusive-ly, or use both interchangeably as your needs demand—the choice is always yours.


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