Luminescent topcoat

Using UV detectors in combination with luminescent labels is an effective way to ensure presence of labeling on pharmaceutical products. But it presents challenges for converters. Employing luminescent adhesives can limit adhesive options and compromise performance. Applying a luminescent varnish on-press can be time-consuming, labor-intensive, and hard to get right. 

Our luminescent topcoat solves the problem by freeing converters to use the adhesive of their choice and avoid the complications of applying their own varnish, particularly for small batches.

No restrictions on materials
Our luminescent topcoat lets converters choose the adhesive and film that works best for their application, while still providing their customer with UV-readable luminescence.

Readable regardless of substrate
Thanks to a choice of colors—blue, red, or yellow—our topcoat can be easily detected by UV readers on any type of substrates. 

Built-in brand security
Brands can customize their luminescent pattern—in the form of a logo, product name, and more— as an identifying feature to help protect against counterfeiting.


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